Friday, August 5, 2022

Interesting Things in Recent Days

 Hello everyone,

1.  Kansas Abortion Vote - the result of the vote shocked everyone across the spectrum.  Kansas is a conservative state.  The ballot initiative was put up on what is normally a low-turnout primary.  The wording was done in the correct way to alarm the fewest people.  It was defeated by what appears to be 63% to 37%.  Turnout was at a major general election level.  While strategists in both parties and some independents try to puzzle out how to handle one of the strongest messages any electorate has ever delivered... the response of the sponsors... "it didn't go far enough, we need to be more extreme" is the best distillation of what their response was that I've heard.  What is going on with our political leaders?  The only possible conclusion I can draw from the response of the sponsors of the amendment is that some of them don't want democracy at all - they want autocracy with themselves at the top, a monarchy like the one the US escaped from.

2.  Gunman at Town Hall Meeting -  in keeping with that, a "gospel pastor" showed up at a Beto O'Rourke event with an AK and a handgun.  Candidate O'Rourke defused the danger without giving up on his positions, to his credit.  To me, this is alarming, however. It indicates that the group (aforementioned in 1 above) on the extreme is more than willing to use violence to overturn the political order in a democracy.  They have shown that before, for example in the insurrection that occurred on Jan. 6, 2021, and in some of the extreme actions taken by other political candidates and groups.  This however adds a new wrinkle.  O'Rourke is a people's candidate, he believes in the common man.  Therefore he holds a lot of town halls and direct meetings.  Quite a number of politicians on both sides do the same.  To what degree is that now becoming dangerous?  We do not know for certain.

3.  New Thought -  the philosophy of New Thought is one that exists in various forms among adherents of all faiths.  "The Secret" is a form of New Thought.  Some forms of prayer and of spell casting alike are New Thought.  The most famous and public practitioner of New Thought in the modern day is Donald Trump.  Like him or hate him, there is no question he is a practitioner, as was revealed by  Politico. ( )  Donald J. Trump became President of the United States using New Thought techniques in 2016.  His father Fred introduced him to New Thought through its Christian version as practiced by the Reverend Norman Vincent Peale, who performed Trump's first marriage.  He has demonstrably practiced it throughout his life, and it has allowed him to survive thousands of lawsuits and dozens of scandals and even become president.  By 2020 his practices were well known, and many of those who were also practitioners and were appalled by his lack of morality and human decency "worked" for his defeat.  Not necessarily because they loved Biden, or even hated Trump, but because they knew where his misuse of New Thought was likely to lead.  I certainly did not deliberately try to reach out on a conscious psychic level to attempt to defeat him, but I will say that after donating to his campaign in 2016, I was completely appalled by his actions in office and certainly wanted him to fail in 2020.  It appears that there was some sort of a battle for the soul of the nation between adepts on both sides.  Were both elections influenced?  2016  by Trump's long-time familiarity and use of the techniques of New Thought and 2020 by both New Thought practitioners and spell casters who worked against him, consciously in many cases, while the more disorganized desires of the "the faithful" on both sides (the difference in votes cast by party is only a few percent, do not be brainwashed by the media to think all Christians are Republican, they are NOT) canceled out.  How that works is probably worth a longer article, but not tonight.

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Interesting Things in Recent Days

 Hello everyone, 1.  Kansas Abortion Vote - the result of the vote shocked everyone across the spectrum.  Kansas is a conservative state.  T...